The facts are indisputable – Education is the key to empowerment and Women are the backbone of families. Women provide for the health, sustenance and prosperity of their families and thus the success of our global community.
MCN Foundation works to create healthier communities around the world. To accomplish this lofty goal, we provide access to MCN’s Learning Management System software (LMS) to educate and support women and girls in developing countries around the globe.
MCN Foundation implements learning projects and then shares the evidence-based knowledge to promote healthcare based education, create jobs in rural and developing countries and empower women. Our projects include: maternity and child health clinics in Western Ghana and Days for Girls menstrual education/health and sewing and employment programs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Based on the belief that health is a basic human right, MCN Foundation leverages our decades of knowledge, experience, and passion in healthcare development and education. MCN Foundation provides nonprofit organizations with technical access and support to our learning management system to educate, network and track women’s education and hence empower women. Through the learning management system, MCN Foundation is able to empower communities to take control of their health and to establish a vibrant and participatory healthcare system made up of communities, healthcare workers and governments.
We know that we cannot change the world alone. Each and every person that we meet plays in role in shaping what we do and how we can do it. Healthcare begins with you, the caregiver, the mother, those who serve the most in need – we are in this together.
MCN Foundation, More Care Now, mission is to increase patient care and safety through web-based healthcare education, skills building and entrepreneurial endeavors in order to promote and maintain the health of families and communities. Our purpose is to educate individuals, providers and organizations in developing countries around the world through healthcare education and entrepreneurial investment in order to nurture and grow healthy families and communities.